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3.10. Sub studies

Subsidiary papers began to be published from 1965 onwards (Annexure IV). Several penetrating investigations and studies within studies were carried out concomitantly to seek answers to a variety of pressing questions. A few examples: Enhancing of tuberculin allergy by previous tuberculin test (1966). Resistant and sensitive strains of M.tb found in repeat surveys among south Indian rural population (1968). Prevalence of non-specific sensitivity to tuberculin in a south Indian rural population (1976). Estimation of the number of repeat examinations required to detect all TB cases in the community (1976). Incidence of TB among newly infected population and in relation to the duration of infected status (1976). Relapse among naturally cured cases of pulmonary TB (1976). Use of 20TU RT23 and 5TU Battey antigen for estimation of prevalence of non-specific tuberculin sensitivity (1977). Incidence of sputum positive TB in different epidemiological groups during five year follow up of a rural population in south India (1978). A comparison of new cases (incidence cases) who had come from different epidemiological groups in a rural population (1978)....the list steadily grows.


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