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NTI Annual Reports

2021 - 22 NTI Annual Report 2010 - 11 NTI Annual Report
2020 - 21 NTI Annual Report 2009 - 10 NTI Annual Report
2019 - 20 NTI Annual Report 2008 - 09 NTI Annual Report
2018 - 19 NTI Annual Report 2007 - 08 NTI Annual Report
2017 - 18 NTI Annual Report 2006  - 07 NTI Annual Report
2016 - 17 NTI Annual Report 2005 - 06 NTI Annual Report
2015 - 16 NTI Annual Report 2004 - 05 NTI Annual Report
2014 - 15 NTI Annual Report    2003 - 04 NTI Annual Report
2013 - 14 NTI Annual Report 2002 - 03 NTI Annual Report
2012 - 13 NTI Annual Report 2001 - 02 NTI Annual Report
2011 - 12 NTI Annual Report 2000 - 01 NTI Annual Report

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National Informatics Centre,Bangalore

Last Updated Date : 07/02/2020

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