Capture- recapture approach has been used recently in some countries to
estimate TB incidence and completeness of reporting. In this method, the
patient data in the notification or official recording register is
compared with multiple other data sources through record linkage. The
total number of patients recorded in any form of data sources combined
with the number of patients not recorded in any source would provide the
estimates of incidence and period prevalence. Following the similar
strategy, the National Tuberculosis Institute, Bangalore is carrying out a
Capture- recapture study in Tumkur district of Karnataka state. The
objectives of the study are:
To estimate the incidence and period prevalence of Tuberculosis
disease during the course of one year.
To assess the case –finding efficiency of the RNTCP.
The methodology involves reporting of all type of TB
cases from the private health care providers (namely, private nursing
homes, medical colleges, hospitals etc) in the prescribed study register.
All the private health care providers were sensitized on operational
strategy of RNTCP. Recording of cases managed by private practitioners
independently, in terms of diagnosis or treatment, without any support of
program in the study register. Collection of data from the private health
care providers by STS/STLS. Matching of collected data will be done with
RNTCP data.
The study findings will throw light on the objectives
of the study. Besides, attaining the objectives, lessons learnt will also
provide vital inputs for planning the national level study in the future.