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Monitoring of National TB Control Program

1.     All states and Union Territories were implementing National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP) except the Union Territories of Daman & Diu and Lakshadweep. The states of Kerala, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Sikkim, Manipur, Delhi, Arunachal Pradesh and Union Territory of Chandigarh have fully implemented Revised National Tuberculosis Programme (RNTCP).

2.     The following was the reported progress of case finding activity during the years 2001 & 2002.

2001 2002
No. of districts reported 290 173
Smear positive cases - NTP
RNTCP (Non-Dots)


Smear negative 406914 308776
Extra pulmonary 60389 47438
Total 666853 506912

Performance of NTP

Type of Graph

*Compiled from the RNTCP reports on Programme Management & Logistics

[ Download: Download SCC and SR reporting forms from here]

3. The states of Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, Maharashtra, Haryana, Punjab, Assam and Uttaranchal together account for 90% of the case finding activity during the year while they constitute 81% of the population of the country.
4. The overall ratio of Smear positive to Smear negative cases during the year was 1:2.05 (ranging from 1:0.67 to 1:5.39 over the states).  The ratio was decreasing steadily over the years. However, the ratio for Chattisgarh and Assam were 1:5.39 and 1: 4.94, which are still very high.
5.The overall percentage of smear positives among new sputum smear examined was 10.29%.
6. The annualized case detection rate among reported NTP districts was 108 per lakh population.
7.   The annualized new sputum positive case detection rate was 32 per lakh population among reported NTP districts against the expected 50/lakh.
8.  During the year, 2 months sputum conversion rate under SCC was 73% and  under SR it was 56%
9. During the year, treatment success rate  under  SCC was 64% and under SR was 54%.
NTP Performance - 1st Quarter 2003
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Last Updated Date : 07/02/2020

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