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The main training activity is job oriented, in-service training of Medical and Para Medical personnel of district level.  They can in turn train Medical and Para Medical staff at primary health centres and grass root levels as well as implement and manage district tuberculosis programmes. In addition to this, group educational activities such as seminars, workshops, etc., are organized in which senior officers of Directorates of Health Services of states and union territories, Chief Medical officers of the districts, teachers of tuberculosis and preventive and social medicine in medical colleges etc., are briefed about the programme.

Training courses held
1. Training of Trainers (TOT) It will be conducted in January every year for a period of two weeks. DTO's, Medical College faculty and also trainers of STS & STLS are eligible for undergoing this training. The prerequisite is that the candidate should have undergone modular training. The thrust area of training would be to help the candidates acquire the skills to be a good facilitators and resource persons.
2. STDC training  It will be conducted in March / April every year for a period of three weeks. The STDC personnel namely Epidemiologist, Bacteriologist, Statistician, TB specialist and trainers of STS & STLS are eligible for undergoing this training.  After one week common training these personnel would be given intensive training in their respective specialties for the remaining period.
3. Regular RNTCP Modular Training It will be conducted in July every year. The participants would be DTO’s, MO-TC’s, STS & STLS.  They would receive modular training as per RNTCP for the duration given in the guidelines.
4.Training for Programme Managers It will be conducted in September every year for a period of two weeks. The STO and MO working in the State TB Units are eligible for under going this training. It is presumed that these staff would already have under gone modular training and hence the thrust of this training would be on managerial skills.  They would be given exposure to computer application, supervision management etc. 
5. Post graduate Training It will be conducted in October / November every year for ten working days. The MD students of Community Medicine, Chest Medicine and General Medicine are eligible for undergoing this training.  The teaching will be in the form of Presentation and practicals.
6. NGOs and Private Practitioner’s training.

It will be conducted in December every year for two days. This would be held on request received from States / Central TB Division, and would be held NTI or in the respective states.  This training would be for NGO’s and private practitioners.

7. WHO Fellowship As NTI is a collaborative center, WHO fellows would be trained as & when the request are made.

Facilities provided: Hostel and Mess facilities are provided to trainees at nominal rates




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Last Updated Date : 07/02/2020

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
‘AVALON’ No.8, Bellary Road,
Bangalore 560 003

Phone:+91 80 23441192, 23441193, 23447951